What Can SEO Marketing Do For Your Company?

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Did you know that the Google doodle dates all the way back to 1998? It depicted the Burning Man, and was used to tell people that the two co founders of Google were in fact at the famous Burning Man festival in Nevada. Since then, Google has become one of the most powerful presences on the internet, and as such, Google rankings are extremely important for businesses, as they can steer customers toward particular companies.

On that note, SEO services can be extremely useful as part of an internet marketing solution. Interestingly, inbound leads like search engine optimization cost 61 percent less than outbound leads like cold calling. In addition, 57 percent of business to business marketers have said that SEO makes the biggest influence on their lead generation.

Just under 90 percent of American internet users 14 or older used the internet to research products in 2012, and roughly 40 percent of them followed up on social media. As such, businesses have turned to SEO to provide information complicit with those searches, which can help people buy a particular product or service. In addition, SEO services can provide website design, social media marketing and even mobile website optimization.

Since about 65 percent of mobile internet users rely on their tablet or smartphone to find businesses, the importance of mobile website optimization cannot be understated. Some experts have even theorized that tablets and smartphones will replace personal computers for most internet functions in as little as the next ten years.

At the end of the day, the internet is arguably the world’s most powerful and populated marketplace, and businesses that can take advantage of that are more likely to rake in profits from the exposure the internet affords them. As such, SEO companies are more popular than ever, and a perfect solution to attract more potential customers to your business.

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