How the Water Reclamation Process Works – Daily Inbox

water goes back into nature after you’re done using it? This is how the process of water reclamation works.

When water flows down your drain, it runs out of a smaller pipe located at your house to a greater pipe for collection, where it’s pumped to a water recycling facility by forces or gravity. Once it’s at the facility, the water is lifted up onto a set of vertical screens that range from one quarter-inch to one-half-inch in width. The screens get rid of large pieces of debris as well as water that have collected throughout the travel.

After that, water is pumped into the grit-removal process. For inorganic matter such as silt or sand to be able to settle, the speed of the water decreases. After the removal of grit is followed by the first phase of clarification. Any remaining solids get an opportunity to settle and be taken away.

Next, the facility uses microorganisms to digest the garbage that’s left inside the water. Then, it is time for sand filtration for disinfecting the water. The sludge that is created by this process is stored and then used for fertilization. Once these steps have been completed, it’s finally time to let the water return to its natural sources.


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