Hacker Masterminds were Caught – Technology Magazine


There is always something to be getting caught up in. This video will show you certain cybercriminals as well as the reasons that they require a criminal defense attorney.

One of the most fascinating hackers mentioned in the video is Albert Gonzalez. Albert Gonzalez had a black-market website for several years. It was used to buy and sell identities and stolen data. These included passport information, social security numbers and data from credit cards. But, he was detained in 2003 on charges of fraudulent use of credit cards. But, he volunteered to work as an informant with the authorities to ensure his liberty. He helped with projects like Operation Firewall. The convictions of 28 hackers were made. Albert was also a part of the secret services. They learned plenty from him regarding computer security. However, he was not a good person. He was in fact working alongside another hacker from overseas. They were collaborating on packet sniffers to steal credit and debit data to be sold online. They were back to their habits of the past. But, he didn’t know his lesson. Following a life of luxury and a lavish lifestyle, authorities began to catch up to Albert. Albert was later arrested along together with his accomplice.


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